Monday, March 25, 2013

How to scan and save image using Twain jsp


                                <title>Online Demo of Web Twain</title>

                                <SCRIPT language="javascript">
                                function btnScan_onclick()
                                function btnUpload_onclick()
                                                var strActionPage;
                                                var strHostIP;
                                                var CurrentPathName = unescape(location.pathname);                // get current PathName in plain ASCII    
                                                var CurrentPath = CurrentPathName.substring(0, CurrentPathName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);                                         
                                                strActionPage = CurrentPath + "SaveToFile.jsp"; //the ActionPage's file path
                                                strHostIP = location.hostname;

                                                frmScan.DynamicWebTwain1.HTTPPort = location.port==""?80:location.port;    
                                                frmScan.DynamicWebTwain1.HTTPUploadThroughPost(strHostIP, 0, strActionPage, "imageData.jpg");
                                                if (frmScan.DynamicWebTwain1.ErrorCode != 0) {                            //Failed to upload image
                                                                if (frmScan.DynamicWebTwain1.ErrorString == "HTTP process error")
                                                                                alert (frmScan.DynamicWebTwain1.HTTPPostResponseString);
                                                else                                                                                                        //succeeded

                <body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">
                <OBJECT CLASSID = "clsid:5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331" VIEWASTEXT>
                                <PARAM NAME="LPKPath" VALUE="DynamicWebTwain.lpk">
                                <form id="frmScan" action="ShowResult.html">
                                <TABLE width="100%">
                                <object classid="clsid:FFC6F181-A5CF-4EC4-A441-093D7134FBF2" id="DynamicWebTwain1" width="250" height="350"
                                                CodeBase = ",0">
                                <param name="_cx" value="847">
                                <param name="_cy" value="847">
                                <param name="JpgQuality" value="80">
                                <param name="Manufacturer" value="DynamSoft Corporation">
                                <param name="ProductFamily" value="Dynamic Web TWAIN">
                                <param name="ProductName" value="Dynamic Web TWAIN">
                                <param name="VersionInfo" value="Dynamic Web TWAIN 7.0">
                                <param name="TransferMode" value="0">
                                <param name="BorderStyle" value="0">
                                <param name="FTPUserName" value>
                                <param name="FTPPassword" value>
                                <param name="FTPPort" value="21">
                                <param name="HTTPUserName" value>
                                <param name="HTTPPassword" value>
                                <param name="HTTPPort" value="80">
                                <param name="ProxyServer" value>
                                <param name="IfDisableSourceAfterAcquire" value="0">
                                <param name="IfShowUI" value="-1">
                                <param name="IfModalUI" value="-1">
                                <param name="IfTiffMultiPage" value="0">
                                <param name="IfThrowException" value="0">
                                <param name="TIFFCompressionType" value="0">
                                <param name="IfFitWindow" value="-1">
                                                <input id="btnScan" style="WIDTH: 100;HEIGHT: 30" onclick="return btnScan_onclick()" type="button" value="Scan">
                                                <input style="WIDTH: 100;HEIGHT: 30" onclick="return btnUpload_onclick()" type="button" value="Upload">            

<%@  page language="java" import="*"%>
                //find string
                int Find(byte[] src, int start, int length, String str)
                                if (start < 0) return -1;
                                if (start >= src.length) return -1;
                                int end = (start + length - 1);
                                if (end < 0) end = 0;
                                if (end <= start) end = start;
                                int index = 0;
                                int firstMatch = -1;
                                for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
                                                if (src[i] == str.charAt(index))
                                                                if (firstMatch == -1)
                                                                                firstMatch = i; //save first match
                                                                index ++;
                                                                index = 0; //try to find again
                                                                if (firstMatch != -1 && (firstMatch + 1)!= i)
                                                                                i = firstMatch + 1; //reset index to find
                                                                firstMatch = -1;
                                                if (index == str.length())
                                                                return firstMatch; // found
                                return -1;
                int ReverseFind(byte[] src, int start, int length, String str)
                                if (start < 0) return -1;
                                if (start >= src.length) return -1;
                                int end = (start - length + 1);
                                if (end < 0) end = 0;
                                if (end >= start) end = start;

                                int index = str.length() - 1;
                                int firstMatch = -1;
                                for (int i = start; i >= end; i--)
                                                if (src[i] == str.charAt(index))
                                                                if (firstMatch == -1)
                                                                                firstMatch = i; //save first match
                                                                index --;
                                                                index = str.length() - 1; //try to find again
                                                                if (firstMatch != -1 && (firstMatch - 1)!= i)
                                                                                i = firstMatch -1; // reset index to find
                                                                firstMatch = -1;
                                                if (index < 0)
                                                                return i; //found
                                return -1;
                String contentType = request.getContentType();
                if ((contentType != null) && (contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") >= 0))
                                DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream());
                                int formDataLength = request.getContentLength();
                                byte dataBytes[] = new byte[formDataLength];
                                int byteRead = 0;
                                int totalBytesRead = 0;
                                while (totalBytesRead < formDataLength)
                                                byteRead =, totalBytesRead, formDataLength);
                                                totalBytesRead += byteRead;
                                int endPos = -1;
                                int startPos = -1;
                                // Found boundary
                                String strEOL = "\r\n";
                                int findLength = 2048;
                                int posEOL = Find(dataBytes, 0, findLength, strEOL);
                                int posName = Find(dataBytes, posEOL, findLength, "Content-Disposition: form-data;");
                                String boundary = "";
                                if (posName != -1)
                                                boundary = new String(dataBytes, 0, posEOL);
                                //Found filename
                                posEOL = Find(dataBytes, posName, findLength, strEOL);
                                int posFileNameL = ReverseFind(dataBytes, posEOL, findLength, "filename=\"");
                                String saveFile = "";
                                if (posFileNameL != -1)
                                                posFileNameL += 10; //
                                                int posFileNameR = ReverseFind(dataBytes, posEOL, findLength, "\"");
                                                saveFile = new String(dataBytes, posFileNameL, posFileNameR - posFileNameL);
                                //Found content type
                                int posContentType = Find(dataBytes, posEOL, findLength, "Content-Type:");
                                if (posContentType != -1)
                                                posEOL = Find(dataBytes, posContentType, findLength, strEOL);
                                //Found EOL
                                int posOldEOL = posEOL;
                                if (posEOL != -1)
                                                posEOL += strEOL.length();
                                                posEOL = Find(dataBytes, posEOL, strEOL.length(), strEOL);
                                                if (posEOL != -1)
                                                                posOldEOL = posEOL;
                                                                posEOL += strEOL.length();
                                }while (posEOL != -1);
                                //get start pos
                                startPos = (posOldEOL + strEOL.length());
                                //Found end pos
                                int posEndBoundary = ReverseFind(dataBytes, dataBytes.length - 1, findLength, boundary);
                                if (posEndBoundary != -1)
                                                posEOL = ReverseFind(dataBytes, posEndBoundary - 1, strEOL.length(), strEOL);
                                posOldEOL = posEOL;
                                if (posEOL != -1)
                                                posEOL -= 1;
                                                posEOL = ReverseFind(dataBytes, posEOL, strEOL.length(), strEOL);
                                                if (posEOL != -1)
                                                                posOldEOL = posEOL;
                                                                posEOL -= 1;
                                }while (posEOL != -1);
                                //get end pos
                                endPos = posOldEOL;
                                File fileToRecv = new File(application.getRealPath("/") + saveFile);
                                FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(fileToRecv);
                                fileOut.write(dataBytes, startPos, (endPos - startPos));


  1. Good day-time.
    Can you please explain how to use this example e.g. in portlet or dynamic web project (Java, JSP)? I cannot get where from objects like "frmScan.DynamicWebTwain1.SelectSource" taken? Mb any lib should be attached or...? Any help is much appreciated.

  2. You must have install lpk_tool.exe and download trial version


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